CFO, Principal

My Story
Kurt learned about Church Development Services (CDS) through his men’s group bible
study leader, Glen Trematore, principal and owner of CDS.
When CDS wanted to find office space and administrative support, Kurt had open office space and an ability to provide the support Glen sought.
At that time, Kurt didn’t know what God was planning for this “office sharing” idea, but God has no small plans!
Kurt became an investor in the Church of the Harvest construction project in Olive Branch, MS managed by CDS.
He then provided CDS with its accounting and back office support as a favor to Glen.
It was apparent that CDS needed full-time administration because God was blessing CDS with more business than the current CDS staff could handle.
Kurt’s background in investment banking and capital raising was an added value that Glen recognized was needed by CDS so Glen approached Kurt to become a partner/owner in December 2008 and Kurt became a full partner/owner of CDS in January 2009.