We Honor God by Saving the Church Time & Money

Save Time
Navigating through the process of site plan, facility plan, and loan approval is a full-time job filled with challenges for an experienced professional.

Having consulting, design, finance and construction under one roof saves the church a great deal of time and stress of having to manage four or more separate relationships.

Save Money
While the building plans are competitively priced to save you money in design, the greater savings may be in how the building is designed to be built.

Our process will help assure the best and highest use of the church’s financial resources as we help the church find financing at favorable terms and rates.

Avoid Mistakes
Church building programs are typically run by staff who are not equipped either by training or experience in this process. Inexperience leads to gaps in knowledge which will cost the church time and money.

Commercial construction is complicated and expensive. It does not take much of a mistake to cost the church tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. This waste of time and money breaks our hearts.

Why Many Church's Don't Get Built?
A primary reason many church plans are never constructed is because a proper development process specific to real estate combined with attributes unique to churches is not followed. Church pastors and leaders are great at vision casting and creating excitement around a vision.

This vision is then taken to a design firm, with not enough attention paid to cost or the church’s financial ability. Cost-effective design, where function has equal parity with form, is often not properly prioritized. Millions of dollars are spent each year by churches on plans that never get built.