For churches both large and small, providing safety and security for participants in their children’s ministry (also known in some circles as “KidMin”) is one of their major areas of concern these days.
Addressing the issues involved in children’s ministry safety and security requires a lot of input and expertise from a variety of subject areas.
And if you’re the person in charge at your church – there are likely a lot of eyes watching how successful you are.
“Your kid’s ministry can and should be fun and engaging, and you can have a plethora of volunteers and exciting events – but the number one concern for parents is the safety of their most prized possessions while they’re in your care,” notes Danny Watterson, an executive search consultant with Houston, Texas-based Vanderbloemen Search Group, a retained executive search firm serving churches and faith-based organizations
General Concepts for Security in Your Children’s Church Space
In his “5 Ways to Ensure Your Children’s Ministry is Safe & Secure” blog on the Vanderbloemen website (www.vanderbloemen.com), Watterson (whose experience includes 17 years in full-time ministry) recommends having the following mechanisms in place:
Full Background/Criminal Checks For All Volunteers
Official Check-In And Out Processes
Well-Trained Volunteers
Clear Plans & Procedures
A Watchful Eye