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How Often Should You Renovate a Church Facility?

Gary Zandstra

Gary Zandstra provides practical guidelines to help you determine when it's really necessary for you to update or renovate your space.

The working life of a building can and should extend well beyond 50 years. Gary has personally seen buildings hundreds of years old still in use and functioning quite well.

Is it really an absolute necessity to update or renovate my 15-year-old building? The question deserves considerable thought, and begs a slew of additional questions:

1. Has your programming changed (are you doing more youth or children events, etc.….)

2. Are you filling up the sanctuary to more than 80% of its capacity?

3. Does your building look dated?

4. Has the expectation of your congregation changed?

5. What is the expectation of people who come and visit your church?

Click the link to read more on Gary Zandstra's thoughts regarding How Often Should you Renovate a Church Facility

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